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Setting up time zone and business hours

What is business hours?

SupportBee helps you define business hours: the time when your team is expected to reply to customers. Setting up business hours helps us calculate more accurate reporting for response times for your company.

Business hours are always defined according to your company’s timezone. You set set this up from Admin > Company  

  Where can I set up my company’s business hours?

You can set it up from Admin  > Business Hours 


How does it affect reporting if an agent responds outside the business hours?


When business hours are set, hours that fall outside of them will not count towards response times. If business hours are not set for the weekend, but if your agents respond on Sunday to  tickets received on Saturday, the response time for those conversations will be zero. This is because zero business hours passed between its receipt of those ticket sand the sending of the replies.

 Will setting up business hours affect past response times?  

Setting up or editing business hours will not change the reporting for past messages. It will only affect future conversations.