Can I forward support tickets outside SupportBee?
Yes, you can forward a message to any address outside SupportBee. This can be useful in situations where you might need to get information from a ticket to a 3rd party not associated with your organization, or to someone who might not be assigned to your helpdesk. To forward a message to a different address:
- Open a ticket
- Click on the ‘Forward ticket’ option in the ‘More’ drop down menu
- Enter the email address (or multiple comma separated ones) to which the ticket has to be forwarded
- Click ‘Send’ and the most recent message (whether agent or customer reply, including any attachments) will be forwarded to the recipient(s).
What happens when someone replies to the forwarded ticket?
If someone replies to a forwarded ticket, the reply will go to your email address and not SupportBee. For example, if your agent's email address is [email protected], any reply to a forwarded message would go to that address. In order to get a reply back into SupportBee, you can either forward the reply from your address, or CC your SupportBee address on the forwarded ticket.
Can I add content to the ticket before forwarding a ticket?
Yes, you have the option to add a message for the recipient.
Forwarding any message will only forward the most recent activity, not the entire message or previous replies. To enable the recipient to view the entire thread, you have to check the ‘Add a secret link to view the ticket with replies’ option which you will see below the message field. The recipient the click on the link to view the entire ticket thread without having to login to SupportBee. Please note that this link is set to expire after 3 weeks for purposes of content privacy.
For information about forwarding tickets to your SupportBee account, see Forwarding your support emails.