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Account Settings

Billing & plan options, two-factor authentication, notification settings, password and signatures.
6 articles

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

What is two-factor authentication? Why is it required? Every company’s support desk contains sensitive customer information that cannot be risked exposure. If an agent’s password is compromised, it can potentially cost a company its reputation. The two-factor authentication system addresses this conc...

Administering Billing and Plan Options

Plans and Billing What is the billing frequency? Our plans are charged on a monthly or annual basis. You can change the frequency of your payment at any time by following the instructions below. Note that selecting an annual payment plan provides 2 months free, so you will only pay for 10 of the 12 mo...


I have forgotten my password. What should I do? Please use the Forgot Password link on the Login page. There, enter the email id that you used to sign up with SupportBee. A password reset link will be emailed to you. How do I change my password? After you log in: Click on your profi...


How do I add/edit my signature? You can add/edit your signature from your account settings, accessible from the ticketing interface, by following these instructions: Click your profile image, then select 'Signature' from the menu The signature field will default to a value of '(empty)'....

Notification Settings

How do I change my notification settings? After you login, Click on the 'Settings' link in the top left corner of the page (under the profile image) Choose the 'Notifications' tab there Change your notification preferences Click on 'Update Settings' Your notification settings will be updated.

Deleting your support desk

To delete your SupportBee account, please visit Admin > Company and click the 'Delete' button. You will have to enter your password to confirm the deletion. Once you complete this step, your account will be inaccessible immediately and removed in 30 days. It may take up to 90 days for the account t...