The Reports provide a comprehensive overview of ticket activity, including received tickets, agent replies, archived tickets, and response times within your selected time frame.
This section shows all tickets your team has received within the selected time period. The graph displays the number of tickets received each day, adding up to the total for the period. This count reflects only the tickets arriving within the specified timeframe and does not include tickets stored in "Unassigned", "My", "My Teams", "All", "Archived".
This graph displays the daily count of tickets your agents have replied to. It only shows the number of replies per day, not which tickets have replies.
Archived Tickets
This shows the total number of tickets sent to be archived in the selected period, with daily counts in the graph.
Average Time to Archive
This indicates the average time tickets remain in the inbox before being archived. If desired, you can install the “Auto Archive after Reply” integration, which moves replied-to tickets directly to the archive.
Average First Response Time
This metric shows the time elapsed between a ticket’s arrival and the first response from your team.
For a detailed breakdown, you can download the report in .csv format for your selected time frame.