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Merging Tickets

What is ticket merging?

Quite often, clients reply from different email addresses to the same ticket. This breaks the ticket flow, splitting the original thread into two different tickets. Also, when you get two or more tickets from the same client about the same problem, it will be easier to manage if you have the ability to combine those tickets into a single thread. Combining two email threads can be carried out using the ticket merging feature in SupportBee.

What are the steps to merge two tickets?

Let us consider a scenario where Ticket A has to be merged with Ticket B. In this case, Ticket B is considered the parent and Ticket A, the child.

The merging can be done from the Ticket A’s view screen. Here are the steps to merge:

  1. Click on the ‘More’ dropdown in the ticket screen
  2. Choose the option ‘Merge with another ticket’
  3. Choose the ticket you want to merge with and click ‘Next’
  4. Click ‘Merge’


This will result in Ticket A (child) merging with Ticket B (parent).

In step 3, while choosing the ticket to merge with, you can can either choose from the list provided or by searching for it in the search box.

Can I reverse a merge?

No. A merge cannot be reversed.

Can I merge any two tickets?

Yes. The merging is seamless when you merge tickets from the same customer. When you merge tickets from different customers, the customer information from the ticket being merged is not retained.

Can I merge a ticket with an archived ticket?

Yes. However, we do not show archived tickets in the dropdown list. You have to search for those in the search field provided.