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Easy replying with snippets

What is a snippet?

When handling support tickets, you will often find yourself answering the same or similar questions on a regular basis. To make this repetition easier, and save time when giving common instructions or troubleshooting sets, you can save answers as snippets which can be added to tickets with a single click. Snippets can also be used to save blocks of text that are often present in replies. For example, if you have a standard introduction and conclusion for all your replies, save them as a snippet for easy use next time.

Where do I add snippets?

Snippets can be added from the Admin options on your ticketing page. While logged in as an admin:

Click on the 'Admin' link in the top left corner, then 'Snippets' from the left side

Click on the 'Add a new snippet' button

Fill in the snippet name (used to identify the snippet in your list), body content, and tag details (used to search your list)

Click on 'Add Snippet'

Can I add images to snippets?

Yes. All you need to do is drag and drop images into the snippets editor when editing or creating them.

Can my agents add Snippets when replying to tickets?

Only, only users with admin rights can add snippets.

How do I use snippets in my replies?

To add snippets to your replies,

Click on the 'Search and insert snippets' option on the top right corner of the reply box, and select the appropriate snippet


Note that you can search for snippets by title, body content, or tag descriptions.

Is there a limit on the number of characters for a snippet?

Nope! Use as many as you need to make your snippet useful. It can be as big as a full length reply, or as small as a URL!

Can I use multiple snippets in the same reply?

Yes, use as many as you like! For example, if you have a standard introduction, conclusion, and answer, throw them all in there. Mix and match to your heart's content until you have the perfect response.

Can I add variables?

Yes, you can add first and last name variables:

  • {{FIRST_NAME}}
  • {{LAST_NAME}}

For example, when you create a snippet with the first name variable, the snippet will auto fill in the first name of the customer for you.